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I was very pleased with the responses/posts continue with more sharing and learning. GREAT JOB EVERYBODY! Mr. Salabye

As a new medium we are sure to see more of in the near future, I have set this blog up to supplement our inquiry of class topics. This is a new communication method that will benefit both students and teacher.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Williams Read

A very unique perspective in identifying cultural forces at work and the power of language. Racism in America came with a price, it dehumanized groups of people of color, a powerful insight told with vigor and verity.
Students write/comment on your reading so far, this blog will serve as our communication link for upcoming assignments and research.


  1. this is what i thought about the legalization of racism in the u.s. long ago before we were even born was crazy. like how could they live this kinda life and treat people like that. when african-americans did something wrong they were punished for it.. when whites did the same they werent punished it was just normal to them. they had a step ahead and it was like a dictatorship among the minority group. the negative racial stereotyping takes on a life of its own like that alot more people became that way by the way they were taught as they grow up.
    the book title" like a loaded weapon" is like a saying to destroy the minority groups by language of racism .

  2. In chapter one I learned that we are all racists whether we know it or not. After reading that I thought about some of the things that I have done and said about other. Also in chapter one I learned about the language of racism in America, and as long as the language stays alive so does racism. I found that very true because some racist remarks bring back the past for some ethnicities.

  3. I really thought that the first chapter on racism brought out a lot of facts and true things that we keep inside ourselves, and often enough say aloud. Things that we sometimes dont realize that we are hurting other people.

    In the second chapter i couldn't really understand what was going on...like in the first chapter i could relate things to others. But nothing really stuck in my head! I thought it was a little hard to comprehend !

  4. Reading the first chapter in the book "Like a loaded weapon" was intense. The main thing that caught my eye was "phobia". Most people have phobias of snakes or being in small places but never have i thought there was a "negro-phobia" or "Islamic-phobia". Racism has taken over most our minds we may not know it but it has by the words we say and how we think.

  5. Reading the second chapter in the book "Like a loaded weapon i felt the supreme court should have stopped judging Dred Scott instead of blaiming the founding fathers. The founding fathers did not comment on the Dred Scott case in there own words so there for the supreme court should not have blamed them for there decisions

  6. -Racism: everyone has it in them, even if its just a little pinch. We can be racis to our own people or to other people like blacks,whites,mexicans, and asians. We just got that feeling in us that we hate them for the same reason why our parents dislike them.

  7. Reading the second part of the book "Like a Loaded Weapon" opened my eyes to see how people can be racial, but us as a minority could also be racial to other ethicities and we don't even notice it. This book very intense but opens your mind to how the supreme court had blame the founding fathers of the new language and the "n" word. It was disturbing hearing about the Dred Scott case and how minority were thought of as property and not human being. How they were treated disturbed me and today that way of life would not be okay or over looked today. It just showed me that although you may not think you are racial in some ways you may be racial. Not all of us realized that until we had read this book.

  8. In the Reading i think its more about equality, it teaches justice and always declaring language of racism.
    I think racism is a huge part of equlity. Many people under go negative racial issues to different ethnic groups along with language, and our culture.

  9. "Like a Loaded Weapon" grabbed my attention in chapter one. Every thing stated was true. Even after hundreds of years people still wont let go of the many differences in the world no matter how unique and interesting their history is. Honestly the language of racism is just there no one tries to change it or prove it wrong were all human. In perspective peolpe would rather teach it because its easier than change all together. Sadly people would rather be supreme over all other people than be equal and thats what the whole goverment was built on fairness.

  10. after a few chapters of "like a loaded weapon" i kinda got angry mainly because we all have a teensy amount of racism in us whether we want it or not.... even whether we know it or not.... we all laugh and state racial remarks we dont even think about the past and how those remarks could really offend someone. people went through hard times just to get where they are now.. and im sure they are all proud.. but some people want to look down on it because its how they are raised.

    i know for a fact that i have a little racism in me because i know i repeat racist jokes to my other friends when i hear from some one else. i also use the "N" word alot and i sometimes dont realize how much i say it.

    This book brought out alot of truth... ITS REEEEEEEEEEEEEALY good.

  11. Once I started reading "Like A Loaded Weapon" I really got into it, it was a really good book, which I was actually kind of surprised with. When I was reading it, it made me realize a whole lot. I realized that everyone everywhere is racist whether or not they notice it, it made me notice that even I am racist, even though I did not notice it. Even the little things can show that you are racist. Such as saying the "N" word is a sign that you are racist. I liked that I read this book, and after just reading the beginning it made me want to move on through the whole book, because I want to see what else there is to say about racism and other things. Oh, one of the main things that also caught my eye was how the title was the title, "Like A Loaded Weapon". What the title means is that everyone has racism in them, it is "Like A Loaded Weapon" just waiting for the trigger to be blown and to let out the racial remarks or actions there is inside that person, each and every person out there.

  12. In the first chapter of "Like A Loaded Weapon" was really eye opening. I mean its amazing how the "N" word and stereotypes about young afircan american males are convincing to others. The "N" word is used in many different form of language, like in music or in ones everyday grammar. How i've heard is how some people refer to one another. What really caught my attention in the book was the "Negrophobia". People have their own personal beliefs about African Americans and what they dont know is they could be racists and not even know it. They only assume the worst in African Americans based on history. Some parents teach their children about racism, they tell their kids about how african americans are prone to violence and shouldnt be tampered with. What was also interesting in chapter one was the Bernhard Goetz story. I think he was accumulated by all the stereotypes of young black males that he was convinced that everytime he would go on the subway or some kind of public transportation that he would be mugged. So one day he took a loaded gun on the subway with him and he was mugged and the muggers only wanted 5 dollars and Bernhard Goetz shot him. I guess taking the life of a young black male is worth 5 dollars.
